Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why Goats are more interesting than you.

What animal is famous for facial hair?
The goatee wearing crazy GOAT, that's who.

The only other animal to have that big an influence on fashion is the Mink. And we all know how it turned out for him. 
Because no one wants to WEAR a goat. We just want to look like them by trimming our face hairs into what mister goat is wearing.

It's funny, actually. If you have one character or person, you can make an evil twin version of them, simply by adding a goatee.

This is most likely because goats are seen as related to the devil, what with those horns, and stunning facial-hair. (also hooves to step on your sent-to-hell face.)

I think that Satan is symbolized by goats because early priests were jealous that they couldn't grow one.

Anyway, mythology aside, goats are behind some the funniest videos ever:

This one simply simply doesn't know what's going on

And this one, I simply don't know what's going on with it:

Even USHER took inspiration from a Goat in one of his songs!!!

Goats doing unexpected things in video-games causes ridiculous effects.
(note: turn the volume down, this dude is loud.)

And lastly, the goat is one of last animals you want to have angry at you:
I am aware, that this is actually an Ibex, but the two are related.


  1. simply K RaY Z!!!!

  2. OMG, I love this!!!! Yes, I have days like this, every other day of my life. Teehee, these goats (and Ibex) dude.

  3. I have a goatee....
