Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hard Drive Drove too Hard.

The C:\ drive on my editing desktop failed, completely, today. Now I'm doing minor surgery at Williams' getting all of my datas (1TB total) transferred so I can reinstall windows onto my secondary (now going to my primary) drive.


Of course it picks NOW to do this. If it delayed for another week or two, it wouldn't be so issueous. I need to finish editing this batch of "How to Swing a Hammer Like a Girl" segments, so that I can film more this week, and then film a concert this (or next) weekend for The Door Opening Kenzies.

Also, school starts this Monday. That's what's really stressing me. I don't have the luxury of saying "Oh, I'll just transfer stuff in the Broadcasting lab on Monday" because by then it's too late, and I won't even be in the lab all day.

I'm unfamiliar with the feeling of (negative)stress. I LOVE positive stress. Driving ~300 miles between 3 scheduled things, hauling thousands of dollars of equipment, and running multi-camera set-ups by myself is what I LIVE for. Normal humans who are capable of worry would turn into jello with some of that, but I live for it, for like a mountain climber lives for hiking a month in -19145284752 degree weather, starved of oxygen, and friends.

busted hard drives are NOT what I live for.

so Sunday is going to be video editing lock-down day, because ALL of my saturday will be transferring files, and drinking with the most useful of best friends.

But I am also working on my transitional effects and titles and things.


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