Friday, September 14, 2012

My new bike is awesome!

So my overage check arrived, and I went and bought a few things.

One of them is a new road bike, and I got to ride around, town, today.
It was AWESOME. In case you don't know the difference between a mountain bike, and a road bike; I'll explain it.

A mountain bike is meant to be ridden in the mountains. The tires have deep grooves to grip in muddy and rocky terrain. The suspension, and shape of the bike is built for maximum shock absorption.

That's great for riding in the mountains, or in the woods, or in Kuwait.
But I don't ride anywhere that's not paved, or so worn that it might as well be.
So, that really doesn't fit me, at all. Unfortunately, mountain bikes are also much cheaper, which doesn't make sense, because it's the same amount of the same materials.

But anyway, road bikes have very shallow treads, to maximize speed on paved areas. The seat is set so that the rider can relax, which is great, because traffic is scary.

There are some other differences, like the fact that road bikes don't have brakes like mountain bikes. You slightly pedal backwards to force yourself to a stop, and you don't change gears.

It would seem that those last two differences would be the most noteable; however, that's what I care less about. I care about enjoying my ride, and not shredding my stupid knee.

So I'm back on track to my personal fitness goal of riding to Athens and back ~30mi.

It also has a platform on the back to hold things. I can buy a basket, and use that to hold my backpack, or video camera when I have to take one from school so that I can capture footage at home, because the mac at school can't output to form that my pc will recognize, so that I can edit my video I've been trying to finish for the past forever, and I lose 4 whole days progress because apple is a tremendous pile douchehole that makes me run-on sentence like WHOA.

I HAAATE that capturing footage goes in real-time speeds.

So, I'm waiting a handful of hours while my tape digitizes, only to then spend the next entire weekend, every second plastered to my editing bay, recreating a whole project.

Apple makes me rant, and run-on sentence, and be overall angry.
For no reason.

But I had a nice time riding my bike, today.


Because my bike was not manufactured by apple(they don't even deserve capitalization. Whores.).

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